Bag-in-Box 2.0: A new twist on beverage packaging from Liquibox and NWB

Liquibox and a Finnish start-up launch an innovative bag-in-box packaging for liquids that pushes the boundaries of design, cuts costs and helps to save the environment.
The new concept, called NWB packaging, is recyclable, user friendly and logistically efficient. It is suitable for all liquids such as water, wine, fruit juice, milk and olive oil.
Thanks to its unique design, NWB bag-in-box looks equally appealing in a bar, office meeting room, outdoor event or on a kitchen table. NWB fits easily into the fridge and keeps the liquid cooler for longer, making it ideal for picnics or trips to enjoy a glass of rosé wine or fresh water any time.
NWB packaging builds on the bag-in-box principle and consists of 3 parts: an outer cardboard box, a flexible bag and a dispenser. The box protects the product from direct sunlight and saves up to 90% in waste transportation vs plastic bottles as it is flattened after use.
Liquibox supplies the inner flexible bag and VINIflow® dispensing tap. The air-tight flexible bag ensures minimal contact of liquid with air even after opening, which allows for an additional 1-20 weeks of product shelf life compared to other packaging.
Learn more about NWB packaging:
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